Healthier Horses
Naturally Perform Better.
Here's WhereWe Come In


OFFSET DrugEffects


Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs are shown to increase upper gastric acid and cause ulcers. Excess digestive acid can be neutralized with Nutrient Buffer® liquid.


Studies show that steroid treatments drive out many essential vitamins and minerals from the body and you can quickly restore 8 of them with Untie®.

Ulcer Drugs

Studies show that H2 Inhibitors and Proton Pump Inhibitor ulcer drugs cause magnesium malabsorption and deficiencies - which can make a horse more prone to developing ulcers and behavior problems later on. Both Sanity® and Untie® provide large amounts of multiple forms of magnesium for horses.


Supplementing Probiotics for a horse on antibiotic and/or antiprotozoal therapies can improve digestion and absorption of feed and forage nutrients.

Contact Us

If you have a horse that isn't performing as well as it should, ask how we could make a difference. We've been helping racing professionals with horse health problems for over 45 years, and you really can trust us and our expertise.

We look forward to serving you.

Vita Royal Products, Inc.

840 Husker Place
Rapid City, SD 57701

p: (605) 787-5488